Vidya Vanam’s third National Conference on Education was conducted on May 25 & 26, 2018. The theme was Peace in Education. The conference was inaugurated by Prof Samdhong Rinpoche, former Prime Minister of the Tibetan Government in Exile, and the Keynote Address was delivered by Dr K VijayRaghavan, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India.
Other speakers were eminent author Perumal Murugan, academicians Prof AR Venkatachalapathy, Gita Jayaraj, Dr N Markandan, Prof Sambaiah Gundimeda and V Vasanthi Devi, eminent musician and public intellectual Vidwan TM Krishna, former IPS officer and social activist Dr RS Praveen Kumar, peace educator Chintan Girish Modi, neurologist and researcher Dr Subramaniam Sriram, educationists Santhya Vikram and Banu Nagesh and Vidya Vanam’s Academic Coordinator TM Srikanth and some of the school’s students. The conference was attended by over 100 teachers and educators from across India. The conference included workshops on the role of language in conflict resolution, inclusivity, living in sync with Nature and reflective writing facilitated by Dr Kathy Ganske, Prema Rangachary, Dr Sanjay Molur and Dr Neeraja Raghavan.