Prema Rangachary inaugurates Avinashilingam University’s English Literary Association with well-received talk on Literature and Life
Eminent educationist Amukta Mahapatra visited the school and interacted with the teachers, talking to them about education practices, teaching and child development
Vidya Vanam, in collaboration with Coimbatore’s Udalveli and Theatre Akku, brought the Therukoothu-based play Adavu to Kondanur village.
Students and Teachers from CFL(Centre for Learning), Bengaluru visited the school and spent a week interacting with our students and teachers.
Parents meeting happened at the end of 1st term.
Mr. Kasimbhai Inamdar from Vigyan Ashram, Pune, spent a couple of days with our DBRT students to show them how to construct low-cost dome.
Vidya Vanam hosted the meeting of 35 teachers from Tamil Nadu Alternative Education Network. Over two days the teachers and educators shared their ideas and struggles in establishing alternative schools.